C'EST POUR RIRE, C'EST POUR DE BON 1994 W139, Amsterdam, The Netherdands
Working on C'EST POUR RIRE, C'EST POUR DE BON with Stéphane Ackermann, Christophe Perriguey, Stéphane Tanguy and Hélène Chouteau at W139, Amsterdam, 1994
C'EST POUR RIRE, C'EST POUR DE BON 1994 W139, Amsterdam, The Netherdands
A4-sized sheets of white paper were handed out on the street of a town. On both sides of each sheet, a sentence was printed in French and/or English and/or the local language (in this case Dutch). The French sentence read C'EST POUR RIRE, C'EST POUR DE BON, in English THAT'S A LAUGH, THAT'S FOR GOOD, and in Dutch HET IS VOOR DE GRAP, HET IS MENENS. Distributors of the sheets all wore badges so they could easily identified. Five Interventions during 30 minutes in Amsterdam, 1994